Adult Programming


Thursday, October 3, 4-5PM: Introduction to Meditation
Sitting meditation can be a way to become familiar with thoughts and emotions as they come and go. “Good and bad, happy and sad, all thoughts vanish like the imprint of a bird in the sky.” It is sometimes a way to make friends with yourself, but whatever arises is fresh.
All are welcome. Because we will mostly be practicing, we can come from any previous experience. Led by Windsor resident, sculptor and long-time meditation practitioner Herb Ferris.

Saturday, October 5, Noon: Seed Library Potluck Harvest Lunch
We’ve hopefully had a successful summer of gardening and eating fresh vegetables right from your garden. Please join us in the library’s backyard (weather permitting) for a meal of shared bounty with optional tales of gardening adventures (or misadventures!) Email to let us know you’re coming!

Monday, October 7th, 6:30PM: Celebrating the Stories of Windsor Kick-Off Event
Join performance artists Marv Klassen-Landis, Ham Gillett and Michael Zerphy in a joyous evening of songs, poetry, stories, and lots of fun. All are welcome to relish the antics of these 3 and get excited about this project. The kick-off event will be followed by 4 workshops, led by Marv Klassen-Landis to give participants writing (11/4,) storytelling (11/18,) poetry (12/2,) and interviewing skills (12/16.) Then participants will not only share their own stories but go into the community to connect with and interview other Windsorites to get their stories as well. CSW will conclude with a final celebration to be scheduled at a later date.

Wednesday, October 16th, 6PM: Book Discussion of Amanda Peters' The Berry Pickers
"A harrowing tale of Indigenous family separation: in Amanda Peters' debut novel, a 4-year-old Mi'kmaw girl disappears one summer, prompting a lifelong saga of mystery and tragedy." Discussion will take place at the Windsor Public Library with an optional zoom component. Stop by the library to get a copy of this book!

Saturday, October 19th, 1PM: Backyard Open Mic & Freedom to Read Community Day of Action
Come to play music, recite some poetry, tell a story or just to watch and listen! In honor of Freedom to Read Community Day of Action, perhaps read something from a banned book, or write a poem/perform a song re book banning! No need for your song/poem/story to be about book banning/freedom to read, but if you’ve got something related, great! We’ll meet in the library’s backyard unless bad weather (or noisy football games) bring us into the library. This is our final backyard open mic, but look forward to Old South Church’s rollicking open mics getting us through the winter!

Monday, October 21st, 6PM: Marietta McCarty Author Reading
Marietta McCarty will read from her fourth book titled Leaving 1203: Emptying a Home, Filling the Heart, about the emotional and physical challenge of emptying her family home of fifty-six years. McCarty is the author of bestseller Little Big Minds: Sharing Philosophy with Kids, Nautilus Gold Award winner How Philosophy Can Save Your Life: 10 Ideas That Matter Most, and The Philosopher’s Table: How to Start Your Philosophy Dinner Club. She enjoyed lively philosophy circles among her college students at Piedmont Virginia Community College for more than two decades before setting off on her career as an author. Email or call 802-674-2556 to reserve your spot.

Thursday, October 24th, 6-8PM: Storytelling Event
Sign up to tell your story before a live audience at the Windsor Welcome Center on Thursday, October 24th, from 6-8PM. Storytelling Guidelines: Stories must be true, told without any notes, first person (it happened TO YOU), ideally a new story never told before, and 5 -7 minutes long. First timers are welcome. Interested? Please contact Samara Anderson, for more details and to be added to the list of storytellers. (This is not a part of Celebrating the Stories of Windsor, but it certainly is related!)

Friday, November 1st, 7PM: Joe Citro Author Reading
Local author Joseph A. Citro-- author, lecturer and expert on New England oddities (including ghosts, fortean and spiritual phenomena)-- is renowned for both his novels and non-fiction books on the Just Plain Weird. Joe provided commentary on Public Radio for 20 years and has appeared frequently on local and national television and radio. A Q&A will follow. Books will be on sale. At the Windsor Welcome Center, 19 Railroad Ave, Windsor.

Monday, November 4th, 6:30PM: Celebrating the Stories of Windsor - Writing for Personal Expression and Healing
Led by Performance Artist Marv Klassen-Landis.
Participants will gain insight into using writing to express themselves and record life events. They will learn to use journaling as a tool for healing and growth. They will get tips on -- and practice -- helping others use these techniques.

Monday, November 18th, 6:30PM:Celebrating the Stories of Windsor - Storytelling and Storywriting
Led by Performance Artist Marv Klassen-Landis
Participants will gain comfort in telling their stories. They will receive tips on framing a story and telling it in front of an audience. Tips will include:

- Finding the story in the story – the heart of the story, the beginning, middle and end

- “Editing” your story

- Projecting, and dealing with nervousness

- Using repetition and facial expression to engage your audience

Participants will learn to -- and be able to practice -- sharing these techniques.

Monday, December 2nd, 6:30PM:Celebrating the Stories of Windsor - Poetry Can Be Fun
Led by Performance Artist Marv Klassen-Landis
Participants will be shown the joy of poetry, and will see how poetry can be used to engage an interviewee. Participants will practice helping others enjoy poetry games, exercises and forms.

Monday, December 2nd, 6:30PM:Celebrating the Stories of Windsor - Interviewing Skills
Led by Performance Artist Marv Klassen-Landis
Participants will be trained to interview another, one-on-one, to hear and reflect their stories. Topics covered include:

- Making your interviewee comfortable/getting them talking.

- Using open-ended questions.

- Recording their stories.

Participants will be paired up to practice interviewing one another.

Ongoing Programs

Most Mondays at 5:30PM: French Conversation Group
Parlez Vous Francais? French Conversation Group at Windsor Public Library. Email if you’re interested in attending and BYOB: Bring your own beret! (Often there are beginners that meet at 5pm!)

Most Thursdays 1:30-3:30PM: Come Play Mahjong!
Do you play Mahjong? Do you want to learn how to play? Mahjong is one of the oldest games, played by thousands of people. This tile game involves skill, strategy, and calculation along with a bit of luck.  All materials are provided.  All are welcome. Please email if you’re interested in joining this group.

Some Days/varying times:  Spanish Conversation Class: All levels
Day and time subject to change due to instructor's schedule so call before coming! Please call instructor Paula Dart at 802-674-5812 to confirm.

2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, 5:30-7PM: Knitting Group!
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at the library from 5:30-7PM and meet other knitting enthusiasts. Knit, chat, and swap ideas and new techniques. All ages and abilities welcome, including beginners. Come once or come often!!  Bring along any projects you are working on. If you are just starting out, we do have some supplies available for use, though we encourage you to bring your own.

[Zoom] Genealogy Group! 1st Thursday of the month at 7PM, 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:30AM
Work to discover your roots with Genealogist Pamm Trask! All are welcome.
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